Parallel, distributed and real-time systems
Advances in semiconductor technology make it technically possible to integrate complex systems on a single chip. This solution increases computing power by integrating hundreds of processors on MPSoC Multiprocessor Chip Systems. The latter are widely used in embedded systems (such as MPDAs, control of mobile machines, etc.), where once used in a domain they execute the same applications. The optimal allocation and scheduling of the tasks constituting them can be obtained statically (off-line). In order to design these systems we must master certain concepts, some of which are new and very important such as: co-design, MDE approach, design flow, multi-criteria optimization. In addition, these systems are frequently found in mobile machines or means of transport such as cars, trains, planes, etc... The majority of applications running on these systems are real time or intensive computing applications. Systematic and intensive processing applications are more and more present in several domains. They can be found both in the field of scientific computing and in the field of intensive signal processing (telecommunications, multimedia processing, image and video processing, etc.). The development of software systems relies heavily on these applications, which occupy an important place in the scientific research community. The main characteristics of these applications are that they perform a large amount of regular computations, they operate under real-time conditions, and are generally complex and critical. This project consists of participating in a stream of SoC design and development. In particular we aim at participating in the design flow known as GASPARD2, which is part of the classical "Y" methods for SoCs. This stream has been designed and implemented by the INRIA DaRT team with whom we have had research links for several years. The applications considered in this type of flow are called hierarchical where some parts use task parallelism while other parts use data parallelism. In the early 1970s, mankind became aware of Marcian Hoff's design of the first commercial Intel 4004 microprocessor. Although many technologies have since been proposed, microprocessors are almost all based on the same execution principle, says Von Newman. The complexity of these devices has grown from 2250 transistors for the Intel 4004 to hundreds of thousands for today's microprocessors. The processing power has increased during the same period from 6000 instructions executed per second to several billion for the most powerful processors. This rapid evolution of computer technology represents one of the most important technical phenomena in several decades. It is what triggered the race, which we are now experiencing, to the miniaturization of all electronic devices. The most illustrative example of this phenomenon is mobile telephony. The first systems offering mobile phone service were introduced in the early 1950s. At that time they were often quite large and had a fairly large antenna. They were limited by limited mobility, low capacity, reduced service and poor sound quality in addition to their often very high price. Nowadays, with the digital revolution, the world is being transformed by the creation of smaller, lighter and better performing digital mobile phones. These phones are also increasingly multimedia and provide better quality and a wide range of services. This has enabled them to be used in a wide variety of fields: to make calls of course, to take photos, to listen to music, and even to view videos. In addition, today they offer impressive image processing functions that require computing power similar to that of computers. This unbridled pace of evolution stems from the technological advances in integrated circuits and their architectures, which have made it possible to develop smaller, more compact and faster computer systems, thanks in large part to the ever-increasing integration capacity. One type of these systems that has benefited greatly from this evolution is the embedded system. The design techniques of these systems now allow heterogeneous systems to be grouped together on the same electronic chip, thus giving rise to a new paradigm in embedded systems: Systems on Chip (SoC). Because of their high integration capacity, SoCs offer high levels of reliability and reliability. As a result of these advantages, SoCs are often integrated into embedded systems to replace certain IT resources. But we cannot talk about advantages without mentioning disadvantages, the most important of which is the complexity of their design. The risk that the final product will not match the specification and the production lead times that make them obsolete even before they reach the market, not to mention the ever-increasing demand for computing power, make their design extremely complicated. This disadvantage, which is a major one, should not slow down industrialists and researchers. They have to keep up with this technological revolution at the cost of enormous efforts in research and development. It is with this in mind that several research teams have formed in order to propose a methodology for the easy design and development of these systems. The INRIA DaRT project is one of them. Our work is part of this project. One of the main objectives of this team is the implementation of a methodology and a development environment for high-performance systems-on-chip. That is to say, a unified framework for the development of these systems from their modeling at the highest level of abstraction to the generalization of the code. Our objective is to participate in this design flow by proposing solutions to the problems of assigning, allocating and scheduling real-time and computationally intensive applications on embedded architectures.
+ Permanent members
- BENYAMINA Abou El Hassan, Professor, University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria, benyanabou@yahoo.fr
- BENZIANE Sarah, MCB, University of Science and Technology of Oran Mohamed-Boudiaf, Algeria, sarah_benziane1@yahoo.fr
- BENHAOUA Kamel, MCA, University Mustapha STAMBOULI Mascara, Algeria, kbenhaoua@gmail,com
- ZAHAF Houssam Eddine, MCB, University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria, zahoussem@gmail.com
+ PhD students
- GAFFOR Khadidja(PhD student since 2015), khadidjagaffour@gmail.com
- AROUI Abdelkader, abdelkader.aroui@gmail.com
- El bez hammouda, Hammoudae@gmail.com
- BENCHEHIDA Chawki, benchehida.chawki@gmail.com
- CHAFI amina, chafisafiamina@gmail.com
- Senoussaoui ikram, ikram.senoussaouii@gmail.com
- Medjahed farah, farahmedjahed6@gmail.com
- Saad abdelmadjid, saad.abdelmadjid@gmail.com
- ADDA Chahrazed, cahahrazed.adda@hotmail.com
+ Publications
- Abdelmadjid Saad, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, and Abdoulaye Gamatié,” Water Management in Agriculture: a Survey on Current Challenges and Technological Solutions”, IEEE Access, IEEE, 2020, 8, pp.38082-38097.
- Aouat Asmaa, El Abbassia Deba, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Djilali Benhamamouch,”
Deployment in Cloud Computing: The Comparative Study”. IJDST 11(1): 27-37 (2020).
- Karima Berramla, El Abbassia Deba, Jiechen Wu, Houari A. Sahraoui, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, “Model Transformation by Example with Statistical Machine Translation”, MODELSWARD 2020: 76-83
- Amine Meghabber, Lakhdar Loukil, Richard Olejnik, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Abdelkader Aroui, “Virtual Channel aware Scheduling for Real Time Data-Flows on Network on-Chip. Scalable Computing”, Practice and Experience 20(3): 495-510 (2019).
- Karima Berramla, El Abbassia Deba, Mohamed Elkamel Hamdane, Abou El Hassen Benyamina, “Semi-Automatic Generation of Transformation Rules: From AADL to Timed Automata”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Networking, Information Systems & Security, 1-7, 2019/3/27
- Aouat Asmaa, El Abbassia Deba, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Djilali Benhamamouch,” Model-Based Application Deployment on Cloud Computing”, IJDST 10(2): 110-127 (2019).
- Mohamed Elkamel Hamdane, Karima Berramla, Allaoua Chaoui, Abou El Hasan Benyamina, “International Conference Europe Middle East & North Africa Information Systems and Technologies to Support Learning”, 290-300, Springer, Cham, 2018/10/25.
- HE Zahaf, AEH Benyamina, G Lipari, R Olejnik, P Boulet, “Modeling parallel real-time tasks with di-graphs “ Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …,2016.
- K Berramla, AEH Benyamina, R Touam, Y Brahimi, D Benhamamouch “Formal concept analysis for specification of model transformations” , First International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems (Oran, EDiS 2017).
- K Benahmed, M Belarbi, AH, Benyamina, A Hariche, “Formal Test and Simulation Environment of Wireless Body Network” International Conference on Smart Homes and Health Telematics, 240-246,2017.
- Karima Berramla, El Abbassia Deba, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Djilali Benhamamouch, “A Contribution to the Specification of Model Transformations with Metamodel Matching Approach”, IJISMD 8(3): 1-23 (2017).
- Mohammed Amine Meghabber, Abdelkader Aroui, Lakhdar Loukil, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Kamel Benhaoua, Toufik Djeradi, “A flexible network on-chip router for data-flow monitoring”, 2017 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering-Boumerdes (ICEE-B), IEEE, 1-6, 2017/10/29.
- Houssam-Eddine Zahaf, Abou El Hassen Benyamina, Richard Olejnik, Giuseppe Lipari, “Energy-efficient scheduling for moldable real-time tasks on heterogeneous computing platforms”, Journal of Systems Architecture, 74, 46-60, 2017/3/1.
- H.E. Zahaf, R. Olejnik, G. Lipari, A.E Benyamina , "Modelling the Energy Consumption of Soft Real-Time Tasks on Heterogeneous Computing Architectures", EEHCO'2016: Energy Efficiency with Heterogenous Computing, prague, January 15-16, 2016.
- ICACSE 2015: International Conference on Applied Computer Science and Engineering, Feb 26-27, 2015 in Barcelona, Spain,. "Dynamic Communications Mapping in NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSoCs" M. K. Benhaoua, A. K. Singh, A. E. H. Benyamina, A. Kumar, P. Boulet.
- A.H. Benyamina, P. Boulet, and K. Benhaoua. Computing in Research and Development in Africa : Benefits, Trends, Challenges and Solutions. Spinger ISBN 978-3-319-08238-7. Chapter « Static and Dynamic Mapping Heuristics for Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip ». Page 229-247-2014
- Springer International Publishing, 2015, 229-247. “Static and Dynamic Mapping Heuristics for Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip” Computing in Research and Development in Africa, A. Benyamina, P. Boulet, M. K. Benhaoua. (http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-08239-4_11#page-1).2014
- The Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM) , Vol. 13, No 1, February 2015, ISSN : 0972-7272 “DynMapNoCSIM : A Dynamic Mapping SIMULATOR for Network on Chip based MPSoC” M. K. Benhaoua, A. K. Singh, A. E. H. Benyamina, P. Boulet. (http://dline.info/fpaper/jdim/v13i1/v13i1_7.pdf).
- Maghbar Amine, Richard OLJENIK, Lakhdar LOUKIL, Abou El Hassen BENYAMINA, « Applications à Temps Réel sur les Réseaux sur Puce(NoC),», JDLAPECI’2014, 28-29 septembre, Oran, Algérie
- Zahaf Houssam, Richard oljeneik, AH Benyamina, « Energy aware Work-Load for real time Map Reduce environment », JDLAPECI’2014, 28-29 septembre, Oran, Algérie
- Abdelkader AROUI, Pierre BOULET, Abou El Hassen BENYAMINA, « Equilbrage de charge dans les NoC ». JDLAPECI’2014, 28-29 septembre, Oran, Algérie
- Abou el hassan Benyamina, Mohamed kamel Benhaoua « Multi-Objective Routing Algorithm for dynamic communications mapping in NoC-basedheterogeneous MPSoCs ». META’2014, 27-31 October, Marrakache, 2014.
- Séminaire d’équipe ORTESE/LAPECI Lille1 , 1 et 2 Octobre 2014, EDEN Palace, AinELTurck, Oran
- Asmaâ Merouane, Sarah Benziane, Pierre Boulet, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Lakhdar Loukil. Hybridization of Discrete Binary Particle Swarm Optimization and Invariant Moments for Dorsal Hand Vein Feature Selection. IEEE Internationnal Conference On Electronic Computer and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2013) in Romania,27-29 Juin 2013. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=6636192&punumber%3D6621246%26sortType%3Dasc_p_Sequence%26filter%3DAND%28p_IS_Number%3A6636146%29%26pageNumber%3D2
- AH.Benyamina, MK.Benhaoua, P.Boulet, « Heuristics for Routing and Spiral Run-time Task Mapping in NoC-based Heterogeneous MPSOCs », IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 10, Issue 4, No 1, ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784, July 2013.http://www.ijcsi.org/articles/Heuristics-for-routing-and-spiral-runtime-taskmapping-in-nocbased-heterogeneous-mpsocs.php
- M. K. Benhaoua, A. K. Singh, A. E. H. Benyamina, A. Kumar, P. Boulet, “Heuristics For Dynamic Task And Communications Mapping In Noc-Based Heterogeneous Mpsocs”, The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks, Vol. 9, No 4, October 2013, ISSN : 1744-2397. http://www.medjcn.com/papers%20archive/index.html
- AH.BENYAMINA, L.LOUKIL : «Mapping Real Time Applications on NoC Architecture with Hybrid Multi-objective PSO Algorithm», ICIA2012 conference. June 3-5, 2012, Malaysia
- L.LOUKIL, N.MELLAB, AH.BENYAMINA : A multi and many-cores tabu search for solving the quadratic 3-dimensional assignment problem, META 2012, 27-31 Octobre, SOUSS, TUNISIE. http://www.lifl.fr/META2012/pmwiki.php?n=Main.Program
- A.Aroui, P.Boulet, AH.Benyamina and Lakhdar Loukil : Mapping repetitives tasks on regular NoC Architecture with Hybrid Multi-objective Algorithm, META 2012, 27-31 Octobre, SOUSS, TUNISIE
- F.Boumaaza, A.Benyamina : "Mapping multi Objectifs d‘une application intensive sur Une architecture MPSOC", pages 42-46. ISSN 1613-0073-http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-942
- F.Boumaaza, A.Benyamina : "Mapping multi Objectifs d‘une application intensive sur Une architecture MPSOC", CTIC’12, 21-22 Novembre 2012, ADRAR, Algérie
- F.Boumaaza, A.Benyamina : « Multi-objective mapping for intensive application on the NOC architecture », ICASIS’2012, 12-13 December, Batna, Algérie
- AH.BENYAMINA, B.BELDJILALI, S.ELTAR, K.DELLAL ; « Mapping Real Time Applications on NoC Architecture with Hybrid Multi-objective PSO Algorithm” ; COSI2010, le 20 et 21 Avril 2010
- A.H BENYAMINA et al ; Premier Congrès International sur les modèles, Optimisation et Sécurité des Systèmes Du 29 au 31 Mai 2010
- AH.BENYAMINA, P.BOULET,, A.AROUI, S.ELTAR, K.DELLAL : « Mapping Real Time Applications on NoC Architecture with Hybrid Multi-objective Algorithm » META’2010, Novembre, DJERBA, TUNISIE
- Séminaire sur les systèmes embarqués à Montreuil. Le 17,18 et 19 novembre
- Séminaire Dart/INRIA Futur : du 04 au 06 novembre Saint Valéry sur Somme.
- A.H BENYAMINA, B.BELDJILALI and P.BOULET : An Hybrid algorithm for Mapping on NoC Architectures : META’08 octobre 2008. http://www2.lifl.fr/META08/program.html
- A.H BENYAMINA et al : An Evolutionary Algorithm for Sensor Optimal Placement in Automated Production system : ACIT’2008 decembre 2008.
- AH.Benyamina and P.Boulet. Multi-objective mapping for noc architectures. Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM), 5(6) :378–384, December 2007.
- Ah.benyamina, B.kechar, L.Boukli, S.Amrani « sécurité du transfert des informations dans une architecture trois tiers. » journées internationales sur les risques industriels, technologiques et impact sur l’environnement. Janvier 2006 Skikda Algerie. Communication internationale.
- A.Hbenyamina, H.Haffaf, H.benhamouda « optimal sensor placement in automated production system using genetic algorithm » CSIT06 avril jordany. Communication internationale
- A.H BENYAMINA et P.BOULET : Paper ID 0283, Title: Multi-objective Mapping for NoC Architectures to the DCCA2007 1st International Conference on Digital Communications and Computer Applications. 22-23 Mars 2006.