Multi-objective Optimization
Multi-objective Optimization (OPMO) team belongs to the laboratory of parallel and embedded architectures, and high performance computing (LAPECI) founded in April 2013.
The team's research field is solving multi-objective optimization problems. These problems occur in various fields such as telecommunications, biology, physics, chemistry, finance, embedded systems, etc.
These problems are usually multi-objective and for which we have to search solutions which optimize several conflicting objectives. In the field of embedded systems, for example, a multi-objective optimization problem which one faces is the problem of task mapping on a NoC (Network on Chip) where one must find a mapping which minimizes both the execution time and the energy consumption.
Solving such problems involves finding what is called Pareto optimal solutions. To find such solutions, two classes of methods can be used:
- Exact methods such as branch-and-bound, dynamic programming, constraint programming, etc. Exact methods provide exact Pareto optimal solutions but are not useful to solve large size optimization problems and/or high number of objectives (> 2); in that case, processing time to solve these problems are prohibitive.
- Approximate methods or metaheuristics such as evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization, etc.
Metaheuristics provide approximate solutions in reasonable delays.Optimization methods must present a good compromise between execution time and quality of solutions. This generally requires the hybridization of solving methods that have complementary features. Hybridization may involve the cooperation between metaheuristics only (e. g. cooperation of an evolutionary algorithm with a local search method) or between metaheuristics and exact methods. The resulting hybrid method generally requires huge computation time whose implementation needs the use of high performance computing techniques.
The main research theme of OPMO team is to provide efficient and effective optimization methods that use hybridization techniques and parallelism to solve large scale multi-objective optimization problems encountered in different areas of life.
+ Permanent members
- Lakhdar LOUKIL, maitre de conferences, University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria
- Bakhta AMRANE, maitre de conferences, University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria
- Houari Younes BENHAMZA, maitre assistant, National Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies and Communication (INTTIC), Algeria
- Kheira MECHACH, maitre de conferences, University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria
+ PhD students
- Mohammed Amine MEGHABBER (PhD student, Oct. 2012 - June, 2020)
- Imene AIT ABDERRAHIM (D-LMD PhD student since 2013)
- Asmaa MEROUANE (D-LMD PhD student since 2014)
- Sara REKKAL (D-LMD PhD 2015-2019)
- Mohamed Nazih BENSAAD (D-LMD PhD student since 2014)
- Walid BENZINEB (D-LMD PhD student since november 2018)
- Mohammed Salem MOUMNI(phd since nov-2018)
- Abdelkader OUALI (Phd student 2012-2017)
+ PhD theses
- Parallel hybrid methods for solving combinatorial optimization problems : application to clustering under constraints PhD Student: Abdelkader OUALI Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL, Yahia LEBBAH Year : Oct, 2012 - July, 2017
- A middleware for dynamic adaptation of real time applications on heterogeneous MPSoCs PhD Student: Mohammed Amine MEGHABBER Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL, Richard OLEJNIK Year : Oct, 2012 - June, 2020
- Object recognition in videos using deep learning PhD Student: Houari Younes BENHAMZA Supervisor(s): Mohamed SENOUCI, Kacem KOUNINEF Year : Oct, 2012 -
- Parallel and hybrid optimization methods for solving multi-objective problems and their implementation on heterogeneous computing platforms PhD Student: Imene AIT ABDERRAHIM Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL Year : Oct, 2013 -
- A solver for the mapping of communications in NoCs PhD Student: Asmaa MEROUANE Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL, Abou El Hassan BENYAMINA Year : Oct, 2014 -
- Development of a framework for security engineering driven by models PhD Student: Mohamed Nazih BENSAAD Supervisor (s): Lakhdar LOUKIL, El Abbassia DEBA Year: Oct, 2014 -
- Extraction and similarity study of web services operations PhD Student: Sara REKKAL Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL, Bakhta AMRANE Year : Oct, 2015 - June, 2019
- Adaptive and distributed hyperheuristics for solving optimization problems PhD Student: Walid BENZINEB Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL, Bakhta AMRANE Year : Nov, 2018 -
- IoT platform for integrated and efficient management of irrigation water in agriculture PhD Student: Mohammed Salem MOUMNI Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL Year : Nov, 2019
+ Publications
- Sara Rekkal, Bakhta Amrane, Lakhdar Loukil: A new approach for grouping similar operations extracted from WSDLs files using K-Means algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 8, Issue 12 (2017).
- Abdelkader Ouali, Samir Loudni, Lakhdar Loukil, Patrice Boizumault, Yahia Lebbah: Replicated Parallel Strategies for Decomposition Guided VNS. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 47: 93-100 (2015).
- Abdelkader Ouali, Samir Loudni, Lakhdar Loukil, Patrice Boizumault, Yahia Lebbah: Cooperative Parallel Decomposition Guided VNS for Solving Weighted CSP. Chapter book in Hybrid Metaheuristics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8457, pp. 100-114 (2014).
- Malika Mehdi, Lakhdar Loukil, Ahcene Bendjoudi, Nouredine Melab: Parallel GPU-accelerated Metaheuristics. Chapter book in Designing scientific applications on GPUs, RC Press, Taylor & Francis Group publisher (2013).
- Lakhdar Loukil, Malika Mehdi, Nouredine Melab, El-Ghazali Talbi, Pascal Bouvry: Parallel Hybrid Genetic Algorithms for Solving Q3AP on Computational Grid. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 23(2): 483-500 (2012).
- Bakhta Amrane, Ghalem Belalem, Sarra Branci, Yahya Slimani: Efficient Incremental Algorithm for Building Swiftly Concepts Lattices. IJWP 6(1): 21-34 (2014).
- Y. Zhang, Y.H. Benhamza, K. Idrissi, C. Garcia: Kernel Similarity based AAMs for Face Recognition. In Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2012), Brno. pp. 395 -406. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2012).
- Sara Rekkal, Bakhta Amrane, Lakhdar Loukil A New Approach to gather similar operations extracted from web services 10.11591/ijece.v9i2.pp1437-1444 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2019
- Mohammed Amine Meghabber, Lakhdar Loukil, Richard Olejnik, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Abdelkader Aroui Virtual Channel aware Scheduling for Real Time Data-Flows on Network on-Chip Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 2019
- Sara Rekkal, Bakhta Amrane, Lakhdar Loukil A similarity network for web services operations substitution 10.1016/j.jksuci.2018.09.003 Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 2020
- Abdelkader Ouali, David Allouche, Simon de Givry, Samir Loudni, Yahia Lebbah, Lakhdar Loukil, Patrice Boizumault Variable neighborhood search for graphical model energy minimization 10.1016/j.artint.2019.103194 Artificial Intelligence 2020
- Imene Ait Abderrahim, Lakhdar Loukil Hybrid Approach for Solving the Q3AP 10.4018/IJSIR.2021010106 International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research 2021
+ International conferences
- Abdelkader Ouali, David Allouche, Simon de Givry, Samir Loudni, Lebbah Yahia and Loukil Lakhdar : Iterative Decomposition Guided Variable Neighborhood Search for Graphical Model Energy Minimization. 14emes Journees Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC2018), Amiens, France, 2018.
- Imene Ait Abderrahim, Lakhdar Loukil, Thomas Stutzle: Automatic configuration of metaheuristics for the Q3AP. 32nd conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, Liege, Belgium, February 1-2, 2018.
- Imene Ait Abderrahim, Lakhdar Loukil: Hybrid PSO-TS approach for solving the quadratic three-dimensional assignment problem. 1st International Conference on Embedded & Distributed Systems, EDiS2017, Oran, Algeria (2017).
- Mohammed Amine Meghabber, Abdelkader Aroui, Lakhdar Loukil, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Mohamed Kamel Benhaoua, Toufik Djeradi: A flexible network on-chip router for data-flow monitoring. 2017 5th International Conference On Electrical Engineering - Boumerdes (ICEE-B), Boumerdes, Algeria (2017).
- Abdelkader Ouali, Albrecht Zimmermann, Samir Loudni, Yahia Lebbah, Bruno Cremilleux, Patrice Boizumault, Lakhdar Loukil: Integer Linear Programming for Pattern Set Mining; with an Application to Tiling. 21st Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2017, Jeju, South Korea, May 23-26 (2017)
- Abdelkader Ouali, David Allouche, Simon de Givry, Samir Loudni, Yahia Lebbah, Lakhdar Loukil: Iterative Decomposition Guided Variable Neighborhood Search for Graphical Model Energy Minimization. Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, UAI 2017, Aug 2017, Sydney, Australia (2017).
- Abdelkader Ouali, Samir Loudni, Yahia Lebbah, Patrice Boizumault, Albrecht Zimmermann, Lakhdar Loukil: Efficiently Finding Conceptual Clustering Models with Integer Linear Programming. 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2016, New York, NY, USA (2016).
- Abbdelkader Ouali, Samir Loudni, Yahia Lebbah, Patrice Boizumault, Albrecht Zimmermann, Lakhdar Loukil: Conceptual clustering in PLNE. 12th francophone days of constraint programming, JFPC2016 (2016).
- Mohammed Amine Meghabber, Lakhdar Loukil: A Network on-Chip Router Simulator for Application Monitoring. In 1st National Conference on Embedded and Distributed Systems (EDiS2015), Oran, Algeria (2015).
- Abdelkader Ouali, Samir Loudni, Lakhdar Loukil and Yahia Lebbah. Cooperative Parallel Decomposition Guided VNS for solving Weighted CSP. In Conference on the optimization of information systems (COSI'2014), Bejaia, Algeria, (2014).
- Sarah Benziane, Abdelkader Benyettou, Asmaa Meroune: Parallel extraction hand vein biometric parameters using a low cost IR imaging system. In 22nd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, 2014
- Mohammed Amine Meghabber, Lakhdar Loukil: Execution environment for real-time applications on on-chip networks. In Doctoral days of the laboratory of parallel and embedded architectures, and intensive computing (JDLAPECI2014), Oran, Algeria (2014).
- Asmaa Merouane, Sarah Benziane, Pierre Boulet, Abou El Hassan Benyamina, Lakhdar Loukil: Hybridization of discrete binary particle swarm optimization and invariant moments for dorsal hand vein feature selection. In International Conference on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI2013), pp. 1-6 (2013).
- Y. Zhang, Y. H. Benhamza, K. Idrissi, C. Garcia: Incremental Principal Component Analysis-based Sparse Representation for Face Pose Classification. International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS 2013), Poznan. pp. 620-631 (2013).
- Y. Zhang, Y. H. Benhamza, K. Idrissi, C. Garcia .: Probabilistic Active Appearance Models. In Compression and Representation of Audiovisual Signals (CORESA'12), Lille. pp. 217-222 (2012).
- The Van Luong, Lakhdar Loukil, Nouredine Melab, El-Ghazali Talbi: A GPU-based iterated tabu search for solving the quadratic 3-dimensional assignment problem. AICCSA 2010: 1-8 (2010).
- Mohammed Salem Moumni, Houssam-Eddine Zahaf, Lakhdar Loukil, Abou El Hassan Benyamina Toward an iterative discretization approach for optimal sensor placement IEEE 3rd International Conference on Embedded and Distributed Systems (EDiS’2022) 2022
- Walid Benzineb, Lakhdar Loukil, Bakhta Amrane, Abou El Hassan Benyamina A reinforcement learning-based local search 2022 International Conference on Optimization and Learning (OLA’2022) 2022