Laboratory of Parallel, Embedded architectures and Intensive Computing
Phd Students
+ Multi-objective Optimization
Mohammed Amine MEGHABBER (PhD student, Oct. 2012 - June, 2020) : A middleware for dynamic adaptation of real time applications on heterogeneous MPSoCs
Imene AIT ABDERRAHIM (D-LMD PhD student since 2013) : Parallel and hybrid optimization methods for solving multi-objective problems and their implementation on heterogeneous computing platforms
Asmaa MEROUANE (D-LMD PhD student since 2014) : A solver for the mapping of communications in NoCs
Sara REKKAL (D-LMD PhD 2015-2019) : Extraction and similarity study of web services operations
Mohamed Nazih BENSAAD (D-LMD PhD student since 2014) : Development of a framework for security engineering driven by models
Walid BENZINEB (D-LMD PhD student since november 2018) : Adaptive and distributed hyperheuristics for solving optimization problems
Mohammed Salem MOUMNI(phd since nov-2018) : IoT platform for integrated and efficient management of irrigation water in agriculture. Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL.
Abdelkader OUALI (Phd student 2012-2017) : Parallel hybrid methods for solving combinatorial optimization problems : application to clustering under constraints. Supervisor(s): Lakhdar LOUKIL, Yahia LEBBAH
+ Model Engineering for Embedded Systems Team
Aouat Asmaa : : Development of a framework for model-driven security engineering.
Bensaad Mohamed Nazih : A model-driven approach to cloud computing
Mecheri Nacera : : Integration of formal methods in Model Driven Engineering
+ Parallel, distributed and real-time systems
GAFFOR Khadidja(PhD student since 2015),